Statutory Auditing and Auditing Revision According to Person and Company Law (PGR) | Auditing of Consolidated Accounts | Specific Statutory Audits | Other Audits
SME | Not for Profit & Foundations
Thomas D. Hasler completed his master program of Accounting and Finance at the HSG St. Gallen in 2009. Afterwards he worked in Zurich for five years, in the areas auditing and management consulting, and at the same time pursued his training to become an Auditor. In 2012 he obtained his diploma (Confederate Certified Auditor) in Switzerland and henceforth worked as Auditor in Charge on several different auditing mandates. In 2015 he returned to Liechtenstein and for one and a half years worked in the fields of accounting, projects and assistance of the CFO for a small Liechtenstein private bank. Since July 2016, Thomas D. Hasler has been working in the auditing division of BDO (Liechtenstein) AG.